9 Trusty Marriage Therapy Exercises To Retune With Your Husband

Every couple needs an occasional tune-up once in a while to keep their marriage fresh and active. Try out these 9 classic marriage therapy exercises that will retune your relationship with your partner.

Play The Game of Truth

Have you played the game of truth or dare? If you have, you’ll know the true power of asking questions.

One thing I picked up from playing the truth or dare game, is that you’ll never know who you’re with personality-wise unless you ask questions.

Asking the right questions can help you know your life partner better. As a couple, you need to set time aside to talk about yourselves and the happenings of your lives.

By being upfront with your partner, you’ll learn how to love each other better.

You may be thinking the truth will hurt, but a relationship based off of lies is destined for eventual ruin. You have to air your dirty laundry before it pops out on its own (as they say; the truth always reveal itself).

This exercise will most likely take a while; for that reason, it’ll be better if you schedule it for the weekend.

This will give you sufficient time to tackle any issue that arises. This exercise will improve your connection with your partner if you do it right.

You should not see this exercise as an opportunity to dig up forgotten issues; don’t ask intrusive questions unless your partner gives his/her consent. In other words, start with the basic stuff – simple questions – like, what are you grateful for? Who’s your favorite artist?

Then, advance slowly as you get more comfortable answering each other’s questions.

Write An Appreciation List

This is one of the best exercises you can adopt as a couple.

You and your partner will get a pen and paper, and write a few things that you adore in each other.

Some people like to limit the list of what they are appreciative of in their partner to 10 items max so you won’t feel the strain of having to provide as much as possible.

During the exercise, you and your partner will highlight what you appreciate in each other at the top of the list. When you are done with that, you can take a step further to write similar things you and your partner could do to improve your relationship.

Apply those recommendations of you and your partner to your relationship. Since the two of you will have to read the sweet things (the qualities your partner appreciates in you and vice versa), this exercise will help you realize how beautiful your relationship is and how to improve it.

Break From The Internet

The internet and all its encompassing parts (social media, email, etc.) were invented to help us share information with friends, family, and colleagues from anyplace in the world. However, we shouldn’t replace physical interaction with social media.

It is very easy to miss out on the important happenings in the lives of our loved ones when we give too much time to our phones. This exercise will help you unplug from technology to focus on things that matter.

For this exercise, put aside everything that can take your attention away from your partner and focus on your partner.

It doesn’t matter how much time you set aside for this exercise, what matters is you’ll be sharing it with each other, alone.

If you are scheduling 20 minutes for this exercise, make sure you’re talking the whole time. Talk about the good stuff like experiences, favorite places, food, movie, music and any other thing you’re passionate about.

The major upside of this exercise is that you’ll be creating new memories as you talk and laugh about the old ones. This can have a lasting impact on your relationship as it creates positive thinking, as well as improve self-esteem.

Lengthen Cuddle Time

Sex is good and all, but then again it is the foreplay that makes it great. Without a doubt, sex is important in a relationship, but the efficacy of cuddling in building deeper connections cannot be overemphasized.

An addictive dose of Oxytocin is discharged when we snuggle with our partner. This love chemical can improve our mindset and deepen the connection you share with your partner. It also aids us in sleeping better.

Even though this therapy is intended for the bedroom, you can get feisty with your partner and do it anytime you feel suitable. You can have fun picking out the songs you want for your snuggling session. If you want to enjoy deeper connections with your partner through this exercise, play the kinds of songs that connect with you and your partner both.

Write a Fun List

If you want to enjoy deeper connections with your partner, you need to have fun with your partner regularly to create lasting memories.

Memories are powerful tools is in relationships, since they represent the entirety of the relationship. You can take your relationship to the next level with this exercise because this exercise will help you create lasting memories with your partner.

For this exercise, you’ll need to get creative. Create a list of things you want to do with your partner for fun. You don’t have to achieve the items on your fun list at once, you can arrange them in such a way that you’ll be scratching items off the list every week. This will give you something to look up to every week. And so, you’ll be thinking positively all week.

As you adopt this habit in your relationship, you’ll build memories that will hold your relationship together on raining days.

Have Meals Together

Because of your busy lifestyle, you may not have the opportunity to enjoy meals with your partner. Having meals together can help you bond with your partner – this artform is as old as society itself.

Carve out time to have lunch or dinner with your partner and make it special. Take advantage of this opportunity to talk about things that interest you and your partner. You can talk about your goals, aspirations and your plans for each other. Sharing a meal together after a fight can help you reestablish your deep connection with each other.

Never Go To Bed Mad

If you want to enjoy deeper connections with your partner you need to make it a point to tackle issues head-on.

When you go to bed distressed and angry, you prolong issues that could have been resolved the previous night. Procrastination may not always work in your favor. More often than not, the issue will get worse when you go to bed without resolving the issue.

In the event that you and your partner cannot find a middle ground before your bedtime, make it a point to reach out to your marriage therapist first thing in the morning.

Most couples go to bed because no one wants to take responsibility for the fight by saying sorry. This is erroneous thinking; if you care about your relationship, you need to do everything in your power to ensure its continuity, even you have to say sorry when you are right.

By saying sorry to your partner when you are right, you demonstrate your maturity to your partner. You partner will realize how much you value the relationship and what you’re willing to give up to ensure its continuance. As a result, you’ll earn your partner’s respect and affection.

Get Rid of Stressful Triggers

Stress has no upsides, only downsides. Stress can destroy the good connection you’ve built with your partner if it goes unchecked.

Stress causes individuals to focus on the wrong things in their relationship. Stress can prompt conflict in a relationship because the couple will start finding faults in good gestures without appreciating the good intentions of their partners.

If this continues, stress can dissolve the relationship. What’s more, it can affect the wellbeing of the couple. Pinpoint anything that can prompt stress in your relationship to safeguard your relationship.

Stress comes in numerous forms, for instance, bringing up issues that should have remained buried. This may include, financial instability, unfaithfulness, and health challenges.

As a replacement for bringing up past issues that will trigger stress in your relationship, pinpoint these stress activators and work on them. By doing this, you’ll be able to safeguard your relationship and enjoy a true connection with your partner.

Practice Trust Falls

For this exercise, have your partner stand in front of you, with his/her back turned to you or vice versa. The partner in front will fall backward with the hope that person behind will stop the fall halfway through the fall. What this means is that the person in front will have to trust the person in the back to have his/her back.

The blind trust demonstrated in this exercise can act as a building block for your trust in each other. When you practice this exercise regularly, you’ll be able to trust your partner by default without hesitation.

If you have your own suggestions, don’t forget to share it with us below. There are a lot of great bonding exercises out there.

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